Q:  Do I need a WWC or a Working with Vulnerable People check?

A:  People who need Working with Children Checks in the parts of Australia where they are required include:

1. Youth combat marshals

2. Youth mentors for the Youth and Family Activity Program

3. People running children’s classes or activities not associated with the above programs


Q:  What states currently require WWC?

A:  Currently the following states have WWC policies:  ACT, Qld, NSW, SA, Vic, WA.  Currently there is no requirement for Tasmania and New Zealand.


Q:  How do I get a WWC?

A:  Go to the relevant state website as indicated in the Background Check procedure.


Q:  When I read through the state policy, I think I don’t need a WWC, but the SCA says I do.  Which is correct?

A:  SCA policy states that “People who need Working with Children Checks in the parts of Australia where they are required include:

1. Youth combat marshals

2. Youth mentors for the Youth and Family Activity Program

3. People running children’s classes or activities not associated with the above programs”

This means that if you will need a WWC in states that have WWC policies in order to run children’s activities.


Q:  Youth Combat looks exciting,  when is that starting?

A:  In many areas it has started.  Speak with the Earl Marshal or the Youth Rapier Marshal for more details.


Q:  Why do we need WWC checks anyway?

A:  This is SCA policy.  For further information read through the Background Check Procedure.


Q:  I’m stewarding an event and want to run children’s activities, what do I do?

A:  Any person who wishes to run children’s activities must have a current Youth Activity Authorisation Card.  Ask to see their card and if in doubt contact the Youth Officer


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